Tribal Thunder

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Smudging of the Bikes
Sacred Native American Smudging Ceremony for a blessing and protection of your motorcycle and its riders

The "Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing" is a powerful Native American cleansing technique. It is a ritual to remove negativity. Smoke attaches itself to the negative energy and removes it to another space. Cleansing and Protection are words traditionally used, but think of it as a shift in energy from any bits of negativity to a more positive, peaceful and protective state. Authentically developed from ceremonies and prayers of the Lakota and Cherokee Nations.

Native American Wedding Ceremony
Sacred Native American Wedding Ceremony for any couple.

Legal in all 50 states by an ordained minister. Customized Native American Wedding Ceremony for any couple includes Sacred Hand Fasting, personal vows, and protection of your relationship. Weddings are non-sectarian but very spiritual.
(Available on the East Coast only, unless travel and lodging paid)

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